Mindset conducted the post-campaign evaluations for both Phase I and Phase II of the United Against Tobacco and COVID-19 (UTAC) campaign in Jordan. Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and implemented by EMPHNET, the project aimed to address the rise in tobacco consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic, raise awareness about the risks of tobacco use, promote cessation, and ultimately reduce COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. The initiative targeted the general population in Jordan, spreading culturally appropriate messages through mass media and social media platforms.
In Phase I, which ran from June to September 2022, Mindset supported the development and dissemination of risk messaging related to tobacco use. As part of the evaluation, Mindset conducted 1,000 surveys across Jordan to assess the campaign’s impact on public education and awareness, as well as its ability to encourage tobacco cessation. The team trained enumerators, implemented the data collection process, and analyzed the results, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the campaign's effectiveness.
Following the success of Phase I, the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) initiated a second phase to the UATC campaign called “United Against Tobacco” (UAT Phase II) to continue raising awareness on the importance of enforcing anti-tobacco policies. Mindset’s role in Phase II involved conducting 600 household surveys across Jordan to evaluate the campaign’s recall and media reach. Mindset also assessed the target audience’s reception of the messages and how well they resonated with the public. Finally, Mindset compiled findings into a final report, which included recommendations that will help shape future anti-tobacco programming and policies in Jordan.