Mindset supported the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MoE) in implementing the pilot data collection for the Quality Assurance System (QAS) for kindergartens. The MoE aimed to improve the quality of the rapidly expanding kindergarten sector in Jordan by introducing a QAS, which includes quality standards, monitoring tools, and compliance mechanisms. These standards served as benchmarks for evaluating kindergartens, while the monitoring tools helped assess whether they meet those standards. The compliance mechanisms help ensure adherence to these standards and encourage continuous improvement, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the overall quality of kindergarten education across Jordan.
Mindset's role included collecting data from 42 public and private schools across urban, rural, and refugee settings in Jordan. The data collection involved a combination of school and classroom observations, as well as interviews with principals, parents, and teachers. Mindset also conducted direct child assessments and compiled teacher reports highlighting trends in children’s development. This comprehensive approach provided detailed insights into the educational experience and developmental progress of students in these diverse settings.
Mindset handled multiple key tasks throughout the project, such as developing training materials and an instruction manual for enumerators, and creating a tablet-based version of the monitoring tools, which streamlined the data collection process and ensured consistency across all locations. Furthermore, Mindset trained enumerators and members of the KG technical committee and coordinated with school personnel to schedule visits, ensuring that all necessary parent consents were obtained before conducting the surveys. Throughout the project, the team provided daily and weekly updates on the data collection process, and implemented quality control measures during the fieldwork. Finally, Mindset delivered the final dataset and a progress field report to the MoE.